Sunday 8 December 2013

Roderick Blackmore: Infinity #6 - White Wolf

Infinity Wrestling
Roderick Blackmore. White Wolf.

Monday 14th October 2013
Infinity: Immortalis

Roderick eventually knocks the bat out of Mack’s hand, the second vile object under the dome and then the huffing and puffing CEO follows up with a series of elbow strikes, pinning Mack against the far right turnbuckle. Following up with this new found momentum both men climb to the top rope where a battle for territory is put to the test. In wrestling fashion there is a single-punch brawl that eventually leads to Roderick using his gauntlet to good effect once again as he uses it to swipe at Mack’s bloodied and beaten face. Mack falls against the canvas hard on his back resulting in Roderick standing up high on his lonesome. Pointing out his left arm he flies with a top rope Gauntlet Drop but out of the blue Mack jumps to life, and just like the scenes with the Jobber’s Pit, Roderick never saw it coming!

Gooch: Ouchy! Is it possible for Roderick’s skin complexion to get anymore white?
Bad Boy: So vivid I’ve got shivers running up my spine!

The crowd are electric for the Macknificent One as Roderick is flawed after the top rope finishing move. Laying with his arms sprawled out, barely moving, Mack covers the Infinity Wrestling Chairman knowing Blackmore’s aspirations have gone up in smoke.

The senior official begins to reluctantly count, per order of Roderick Blackmore prior to this match but the slow count in all is ineffective because Roderick doesn’t rise to the occasion. As the third thump to the white canvas echoes out, the Evermore crowd rejoice for the anti-hero. It is a debut match that neither man will ever forget. An end to their beginning.

Immediately following his victory “Black Skinhead” by Kanye West begins to play again, to the lucky stars of A.C. Mack. Moving away from the downed Chairman Mack still doesn’t feel safe, still locked underneath this unbreakable dome. Fifty six thousand chant for the movie star but with blood running down his face Mack can hardly focus on anything but himself. The three wise-less men are standing by on commentary ready for their post-match analysis of a fantastic match.
“It is done,” Mack says, screaming inside the dome to his loyal fans in attendance.

Kinghan: Tonight at Immortalis A.C. Mack has won the battle in Roderick’s own nest, his disturbing creation. During that entire match I feared for both men’s safety, but Roderick went too far with that cross-face, you could see Mack fighting for his life, and not in a good wrestling way. How can Roderick explain that to his children?
Gooch: In all my months of commentating, this has been one of the weirdest yet most impressive match to date. How are Adrian and Taylor going to follow up after this gem?
Kinghan: There are unbelievable scenes at ringside. Despite his theft of the championship due to his alluring persona and his multiple starring roles in blockbuster films and of course his wrestling past, Mack has proven to be a real hit to the fans. Tonight at Immortalis it is A.C. Mack who has found his immortality.

As the dome finally rises Mack is able to hear the electric noise generated from the crowd and he walks up the ramp towards the spiralling pyramid structure used for his entrance where another velvet bag drops down from the inside where Mack made his arrival. Lowered into Mack’s hand also is a microphone, his first words ever on Infinity television.
“The golden globe surrounded by the Olympic reefs on the championship is a perfect and extremely vivid symbol of what each wrestler should strive for in this company. The belt is a true beauty, it really is, but I wanted Roderick’s first memory of it be plastered on that damn forehead of his! This is the end to our beginning!”
Mack rips the Infinity World Championship out from the black velvet and into the air, revealing it at long last. Roderick watches on from inside his dome at the sight of his bitter enemy embracing an immortalising moment.

Tuesday 4th December 2013
Infinity City Police Department (IPD)

Winter had arrived a day early for one scared woman in Infinity City. Waiting patiently at the Infinity Police Department, surrounded by petty criminals having their statements taken by police officers was a true beauty, though her deep-in-thought glare would place her under the banner of criminal, not victim. Thirty odd messy desks brimming with unfinished paperwork surrounded Alexis Flynn, the wife of Adrian Flynn, Infinity Wrestling’s World Champion. A few of the petty criminals – thieves, red light runners, public loiterers, graffiti artists – peered over to Alexis, full in her high school work uniform; a thickened black dress, black leggings and an unbuttoned red cardigan. Alexis’s soft brown hair was slightly strained due to the long morning and sudden exit from work, rushed away from her class during fifth period. Mascara had been running down her face, suggesting that at some point Alexis had been crying and had cleaned herself up before entering the precinct. She sat twitching her feet in anticipation, currently she didn’t know of her husband’s condition but was aware that Adrian was attacked during school hours.
“Mrs Flynn, I’m sorry to keep you waiting.”
Alexis turned, relieved in part, to see an elderly woman take a seat opposite her, thinning blonde hair with apparent grey roots, partially clearing the clutter that had built up on her desk. Donning a traditional police officer’s uniform, a black formal shirt with a navy blue bullet vest and golden badge resting to the officer’s right.
“I’m just glad somebody can see me,” Alexis says, venting some frustration.
“Let me get straight to the point with you Mrs Flynn.”
“Please, call me Alexis.”
“Fine, Alexis,” the officer replies, in part wrinkling her ageing face.
“My name is Officer Dalton and right off the bat just let me tell you that I understand your concerns. Your husband, Adrian, is a very important person to this city. The Infinity Wrestling Federation has helped create Adrian into a hero of the city, and we understand that when something should happen to a man of this stature the last place his immediate family should be is surrounded by small time criminals.”
“I have been told that this department is in communication with the private clinic my husband was sent too, I just need to know that he is alright.”
“Alexis, your husband is fine.”
“I was told he was laid unconscious. How is that fine?”
“For what this could have been Alexis, your husband got off lightly. Adrian has suffered no major injury, he has some minor cuts and scrapes but nothing that is going to put him on the injury shelf.”
“Do they know who would do such a thing?”
“You tell me, do you know anything Mrs Flynn?”
“Am I under investigation here?”
Red faced and frustrated, Alexis was visibly shaken that Officer Dalton would jump straight in with the hard hitting questions. Alexis subtly scratched her neckline and played around with her hair by pulling it back, infuriated by the question.
“Alexis is it not true that you filed for divorce with Adrian but later rescinded the document on Monday 14th October 2013, the day of Adrian’s championship victory?”
“How dare you imply that I am too blame!! I would never hurt my husband, if anything I was the only person in this city who wanted him to be safe. I never wanted him to wrestle, especially with history with injuries. I love my husband but at the time I couldn’t stand to see him repeat mistakes of old.”
“What changed your mind? After the event in question, Immortalis, why did you choose to return to him by his side?”
“My husband is a good man. Dare I say it, he is a hero. His students and those who watch Adrian on television aspire to be better people. When I saw him wrestle against Chris Michaels on his first night I chose to stop watching. That move he did on Chris, it was vile and I could not look at my husband in the eye knowing that he was risking injury for others, including himself.”
“I’m asking what changed,” Officer Dalton says in a strict tone, trying to get Alexis to confess whilst emotional.
“I thought Adrian was chasing an ideal that was being created by above. His management, they aren’t the friendliest of people, in fact one of them has wrestled Adrian, he dressed up like Adrian and came into my classroom. The resemblance was uncanny, I couldn’t make out a difference until there was a slight difference in his voice, and then in his voided eyes. I believed that they were using my Adrian, to turn him into something he isn’t. When he won his match and the championship belt I knew that his ideal was pure and he was going to be an inspiration to this city and to his pupils. When Adrian brought the belt home for the first time, and when he showed it to his class, they were inspired and motivated. I have never seen a group of kids work harder, all because they believed in my husband. They didn’t believe in the Copycat or his management, they believed in Adrian’s ethics. For too long I believed wrestling would poison Adrian, but in truth I can see now that it has bettered him, and he has always been a caring husband but never as much as when we left the Evermore Stadium.”
“One of these pupils, a Mr Jaden Crawford. My report says that he was there at the time, staying late with Adrian. Do you know where Jaden might be at this time? We believe he has Adrian’s property, the Infinity World Championship.”
Alexis was aware that Adrian was nervous about another wrestler and world renowned movie star, A.C. Mack, who had taken the World Championship from the CEO of Infinity Wrestling, Roderick Blackmore, before it was ever unveiled. On that night Adrian knew that there was a strong chance that with victory over Taylor Westfall he may not have been able to see the championship belt, let alone hold it. Fortuned favoured Flynn that night with Mack revealing the belt himself, later handing it over to referee’s prior to the main event match. Alexis tried not to think too much about the irony of another man, other than the champion, holding the belt.
“I will speak to Jaden personally,” Alexis says sincerely, knowing Adrian’s number one supporter will be less likely to cooperate with Dalton’s stiff and unpleasant facial features.
“But first you will answer me my original question, am I looking into the eye of a culprit? We know that once word of yours and Adrian’s divorce came to light you were harassed and plagued by the press, and at times confronted by Adrian. Most of the cases of assault we deal with are inter-family offenses, carried out by a disparaging husband, wife, or children.”
“I hardly doubt this space is the best for any type of confession,” Alexis says, glancing around at the other petty criminals, some still drawn to Alexis because of her beauty.
“If you’re telling the truth, it doesn’t matter where you say it. I’m not here to break you Alexis, I’m here to help bring your husband’s attacker to light.”
“I would never betray my husband. We have come to peace with our pasts. It’s just a hard pill to swallow knowing that Adrian has made so many enemies in this city, and I’m not sure all are strictly professional.”
“Then give us some indication of Adrian’s enemies, besides the Copycat.”
“There’s Taylor Westfall and Murray Muir. They have gone out of their way to prove that Adrian winning the championship was a conspiracy, that in some way he is a corporate champion. I know that they’re dead wrong about him, and so does Jaden.”
Officer Dalton grimaced at the word Muir, it’s a name that she’s heard before and has only brought bad news. Alexis knew that much just based off one glance.
“Officer, is everything alright,” Alexis asks.
“Can you bear with me one moment please Alexis?”
“Of course,” she replies as Office Dalton gets up off her rotating chair and briskly away.
What was all that about? Alexis pondered for moments until another Officer sat down, taking Dalton’s place. Alexis was stunned into silence as she looked up to see glimmering purple eyes stare at her. Covering his head with a baseball cap Alexis now knows what déjà vu feels like, though this time the arrival of the Copycat couldn’t have come at a more frictional time.
“They don’t like that word around here,” TCK says calmly as is not scared about being approached.
“It is astounding to think that you may know where everybody is at any given time, so I’m guessing that you know the answer to the police’s question.”
“You’ve just given that Officer a tunnel vision belief that Murray is responsible for Adrian’s attack. They won’t look at anybody else now, they’re helpless to you.”
“And I should come to you for help? A man that can invade lives so seamlessly.”
“I have spent much time understanding Murray, and it was not him. It’d be rather cliché of Murray to do something so predictable in a city of infinite possibilities.”
“You wouldn’t have come here without reason, so just tell me why you came here,” Alexis says quietly looking over her shoulder.
“I’ve come bearing a message to you, Alexis, because at this time Adrian is a little harder to reach, a little rough around the edges. If he hears the same words coming out of your mouth, he might not be so angry when he and I meet eye to eye.”
“You’re a despicable person TCK!” Alexis says, objecting.
“No, Adrian won’t be wrestling against Murray and Taylor, but he will in the near future have to defend his World Championship at Purgatorium. I just sent out a press release stating that Adrian will be replaced by Roderick, who is making his long anticipated televised wrestling debut. And on this forthcoming Monday I’ll be making the announcement as to Adrian’s future opponent, even if he isn’t there to see it happen.”
“What is this about TCK? Is this about you and him? You know Adrian told me he thinks that you’re nothing but trouble and expects you to come gunning for him in the near future. Is that why you pushed to become Purity Champion so badly?”
“You’re asking too many questions, you should ask Jaden, he can provide you the answers these Officers cannot. As I said, they’ll be too wrapped up in Muir’s connection to the mob presence.”
“I just want to know this one thing Copycat, was it you? Are you behind all of this, everything? Adrian’s attack, the ‘corporate’ champion.”
“You seem to have hollow words, as if you have little faith in your husband’s ability to change this city for the better.”
“I was just making sure,” Alexis replies as she looks into the dead eyes of the Copycat, covered in a purple lenses that couldn’t hide his intent. Alexis watched the Copycat get up from Dalton’s seat and saunter off, blending into the precinct. Moments later Officer Dalton re-joined Alexis but Adrian’s wife was still reeling from her words with TCK.
“Is everything alright Mrs Flynn,” Dalton says worryingly, looking at Alexis who believed she had just seen a ghost.
“I’m fine,” she says unconvincingly, a common trait in all women who say I’m fine as a defence mechanism. “I’m going to join my husband at his side, we can finish this another time.”
“As you wish,” Dalton says with a calm smile, “just one moment question though.”
“Of course,” Alexis replies as she stands, placing on her beige winter jacket.
“What do you know about the Muir family?”
“I only see their purple eyes, but they aren’t the eyes that scare me most.”
“I have an escort waiting for you, they will take you straight to Adrian.”
Seeing how drained Alexis was Officer Dalton escorted Alexis right to three police officers waiting outside in the rain with an umbrella. Dalton big farewell to Alexis via a handshake before going back inside the IPD. Between the three officers and Alexis was a set of long vertical stoned stairs, which takes a minute to descend to the police car.
Amidst a rain soaked, overcast day the officers opened the backseat door for Alexis, who when looking up, saw the Copycat staring at her with those purple eyes. A light blue double decker bus passes and when it spins away into the distance dragging up puddle of rain with it the Copycat is gone. Alexis enters the police escort and leave the IPD.
“Can we make one stop before we see my husband, please?” Alexis asks politely, “can you take me back to the high school…”

Monday 15th October - Sunday 8th December 2013
Voice messages from Mr. Osman to Roderick Blackmore

“Roderick, it’s me, Mr. Osman. You didn’t show up to the board meeting this morning. I know you suffered a defeat at the hands of Mr. Mackey but there is no excuse to look unprofessional. In your place the Copycat resides. Action against his domineering will must be taken.”

“Roderick, the Copycat is number one contender for the Purity Championship. His persistence with Telis Reye has finally paid off. I am fearful that he will dethrone Neal. At least with Mr. Powers he can be contained by many of the federation’s limits. TCK knows no bounds, and I am afraid.”

“ICFC have confirmed that Matt Rydell has been reported missing. This is a matter of urgency Rod, you have a duty to confront the media to calm the storm. Many are sad that Infinity has done enough to safeguard one of your most popular talents.”

“Due to circumstances with the Copycat, I am hereby forced to seek his lawful termination before his championship match against Neal Powers. The Battle Zone Network can no longer work alongside such intolerance for our pre-set guidelines. This would sound more reasonable if you showed your face in the office. Others are worried that we are coming to an impasse in our relationship.”

“This is my fourth message unanswered, Roderick. I know your loss has taken a great toll on you, an immortalising moment was ripped from your grasp, but it’s time to return. Without you the Copycat has seen his stock rise, he now is Purity Champion and I cannot endorse his ethos that all fit under the banner of infinite possibilities. Unless you subdue him, I will be forced to take matters into my own hands.”

“I have forgotten what your face looks like, Roderick. As per our contractual agreements all new Infinity Wrestling hopefuls will sign a contract with the BZN, and not with Infinity. There is no order or establishment, and television rights for the TV-14 rating have been broken on numerous occasions. Murray Muir. Neal Powers. TCK, among others. I am sorry to have done this Roderick, but you left me with no choice.”

“I hate to speak like this to you over the phone, but where on earth are you Roderick? Not a single person has sighted you. Any much longer and I’ll be forced to file a missing persons report against you. If in fact you are listening to these words, then know this, I must stop the Copycat and at Infinity #6 the fate of both our organisations will be known. What is good for ratings is imploding us all from within. Your leadership is needed more than ever.”

“It’s been just shy of two weeks Roderick. This will be my last message to you, I know when I am not wanted. I cannot help what is happening with the BZN, Infinity has failed to obey its contract and now your entire company is in jeopardy. It’s still worth saving, you just need to show some willingness in the face of defeat and come to terms with your reality. Do you believe this is still worth fighting for, and if so, who is worth fighting for?

Sunday 8th December 2013
Roderick’s home; Infinity City

Little Scott, my dear son, when I see him wrapped up in his dark blue winter puffer jacket, walking fast across the dying grass and hardened mud in an isolated park as if he were a penguin, it reminds me so much of my younger brother, Scott.
Missing, but not forgotten. There is still a believe that he will one day return to his city of birth, at least that is what I keep telling myself so I don’t have to face the realities of losing my brother to the outside world. Scott had just taken off his muddy shoes after going to a nearby park and jumped all over the brown leather sofa getting dirt all over it. I was less than enthused as the day wore on and on. Scott’s energy levels eventually halted at around nine o’clock and he was on the verge of sleep but couldn’t drift off without his father by his side. Hadley had spent the day with her mother, Hannah, and were not home leaving just Scott wrapped up in his Infinity Wrestling covers featuring Adrian Flynn, Jamo and Matt Rydell. Three of the cities heroes, all idolised by my son. Yet his greatest affection was for me, and as he blinked his tired eyed and smiled so gently and with true love, I kissed him on the head, my long flowing blonde hair dragging in front of his face. I myself was not looking perfect, I was worn out and tired, and slightly nervous about the day ahead.
“Daddy, I heard Mommy say you and my Matt-Matt are going to fight Mean Murray.”
“Sometimes you don’t pick your fights son. You just have to take what is there and start anew.”
“Murray is so mean daddy, why does Taylor like him?”
“They are like us, son, they share a bond. They believe that people are treating them unfairly and are just standing up for what they believe in?”
Taylor was a nice guy, was. Not so much anymore.
“Is Taylor a bad man, he doesn’t look like one?”
“I think his intentions are pure and honest but in many ways he has been led astray, away from his path. I watched him wrestle before you were born, he was such a magnificent talent. He was once like Matt-Matt, he was everyone’s favourites and would never lose. But daddy doesn’t talk to Taylor, maybe he should.”
“What about Mean Murray? Those eyes scareeeeeeeeeeeee me,” Scott says adorably.
“Murray grew up in a bad home. His father was mean to him and still is. Just promise me that when you’re older you’ll never go anywhere near those Muir’s.”
“I promise.”
“Good boy. Mean Murray can’t touch you if you don’t go near you.”
“But why are you?” Scott says, confused as to why I’m lacing my boots up for a second time to fight a man I want to son to avoid. “You said he is mean…”
“These are people worth fighting for.”
“I don’t understand daddy.”
“Your precious Matt-Matt is worth fighting for and even the despicable Mean Murray are worth fighting against. You’ll understand a bit better when you getter older and taller, you’ll come to understand that daddy’s had a bad time of things as of late and it’s people like Mean Murray and Tempered Taylor that make you want to get back to work. This is a cause worth fighting.”
“Daddy can you promise me something? If I have to promise something, then so do you.”
“Anything, my son,” I say sincerely, smiling because of Scott’s loving and young naïve voice.
“Promise me you won’t hurt Matt-Matt like Jamo hurt me,” Scott says, disappointed that his favourite star shocked the world when “The Grimm Reaper” sided with TCK’s cause against the BZN at Infinity #5.
“I promise you that nothing is going to happen to Marvellous Matt.”
“And promise me that he won’t vanish again.”
“That’s two promises Scott.”
“Promise me,” he says, trying to be demanding.
“I’ll do my best.”
“That’s not a promise.”
“If I can’t keep a promise, I won’t make it son. I’ll never disappoint you in that way.”
I go to leave Scott so he can close his eyes and dream about his favourite cartoon characters and wrestlers but he reaches out his soft white hands and pulls me back in.
“Daddy, can you read me another bed time story? I want to know what happens to Void? Did the Magpie get away?”
Distraught at the question, I fell silent and speechless for a few seconds and Scott could see that my face became flushed of colour, my bright blue eyes faded and my body was as still as a statue. Scott tugged away at my arm, smiling and giggling, unknowing as to my emotions, trying to get me to react by any measure.
“Daddy, daddy,” Scott says, worried about his father’s static appearance.
“Sometimes we don’t choose our enemies, son, sometimes they find you.” My voice is cold and somewhat vacant. “Sometimes we lose, and sooner or later we must confront our worst defeats.”
Scott smiled because he was upset that the Magpie could have died and was happy to see that it had survived.
“Sometimes your enemies are worth fighting for. Mean Murray and Terrible Taylor, they are worth fighting for, but the Magpie wasn’t. The Magpie stole something that didn’t belong to him, and he went unpunished. But Scott, you can’t hold onto the past forever, sometimes you just have to accept that once in a while the Magpie gets away. Life is not without its downs, it’s how you react to losses that matters, and if I can help Matt-Matt in any way against Murray and Taylor, then it will partly to overcome the tragedy of loss.”
I tuck Scott in and kneel at the edge of the bed so I’m at eye-level with my blonde haired son. He doesn’t quite understand some of what I’m saying but I hope that one day he does.
“In truth son, I don’t know what happens next, and neither does Void. Some stories don’t have an ending, or in some cases a beginning. They just are, and people like Void must find out who they are in a world full of blackness and uncertainty.”

Enter the Void
White Wolf

Alone in the wilderness, a jungle of hollow black walls and unobtainable escape Void wondered in search of the fleeing Magpie, never getting any closer or any further away, stuck in a constant loop of watching Merula, Void’s entrusted Blackbird, chase a lost cause. To Merula the fight was never lost. The Magpie was in reach, and there was always hope that Merula would retain possession of Void’s silver gauntlet so it could perch upon it once more. An endless cycle occurs where a blackened world become even darker, a world where everything Void touches converges with him.
Harbouring a moment lost to you is by no means a damper to your spirit and resolve. Your fixation has derailed you, poisoned you, and engulfed what remains of you.
Wanting to scream but unable to, fixated on the Magpie, Void does not listen to the fierce voice of morality, Mora. Instead Void retains confidence that the Magpie is only a few feet away, when in truth he was worlds away but Void doesn’t understand the concept of distance because when everything around you is black how do you measure time, distance, space. The world around Void is what he makes of it, perhaps he doesn’t want to catch the Magpie.
How long will you pursue the Magpie in light of your failure? How much longer will you stay rooted to the spot, when in truth your only movements have been backwards? There's always failure. And there's always disappointment. And there's always loss. But the secret is learning from the loss, and realizing that none of those holes are vacuums. Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. You can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of your loss, or you can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift you have - life itself.
Merula continued the endless chase but unlike Void could lose the will to fight, the Blackbird was spurred on only by Void’s relentless attitude.
Do you know the value of defeat? Do you know the price of defeat if you do not stop with something that has eclipsed you, bettered you?
Merula let out a beautiful chant as it chased the Magpie but Void’s consciousness stopped and not knowing whether or not he had taken a step in the wrong direction the Magpie suddenly disappeared and dropped the silver gauntlet. Merula finally flapped her wings fast enough to reach it with its smooth orange beak and caught it before it fell into the darkness. Without moving a single inch the gauntlet returned to Void who noticed Merula was conscious about touching Void’s actual being.
Unlike you, he can see behind the veil, he can see into the eyes of its master, and he is scared of being absorbed into the world you created. Merula is the only one thing on the outside looking in.
As Merula took point the bird began to chirp quietly by itself, scared of something lurking in the darkness, something Void could not see. Time had passed because Void could feel Merula was slightly older than before just based off a hunch. What it saw in the shadows scared Merula, but Void could not see the problem at hand.
Are you alone? Is that what you are thinking? Is that what you believe or is that what you want to believe? Look what happens when you close yourself off, perhaps others lingering in the unknown lie in wait.
“When stalking one’s prey, it is best to take one’s time. Say nothing, and as sure as eggs he will become curious and emerge.” Merula’s thoughts echoed to Void, making him alert in case of impending attack.
Void’s lack of real world knowledge means he doesn’t understand the To Kill a Mockingbird reference, Void doesn’t understand any reference.
Appearing out of the shadows is a white wolf, alone, and growling ever so softly as if its frustrations are being built up. The beautiful yet endangered species with a thick pelt and unflinching jaw line was running. It too was haunted by something, many something’s.
The cry of approval has led another astray. A wolf runs from his human pursuers, scared and loathsome, yet resilient to change. An un-moving object in the face of much sorrow.
The White Wolf paid no attention to Void, it was completely self-absorbed into its own personal dramas and dilemmas.
Why run unless hiding a dark secret? So majestic yet so misunderstood?
Merula’s watchful eyes understood that wolves of all breeds have been hunted going back at least fifteen thousand years. Hunted all across the world, crimes against wolves are widespread and alarming: hunted for sport, poisoned by Russians, skinned in Asia for their thick pelts and slaughtered in North America until extinction because the majority of the populace had firearms. Wolves have become scared creatures, fleeing from human populations.
The Wolf believes too much in its own nobility, that it why he does not see you. The Wolf, like you, only sees what it wants to see.
Two dark purple silhouettes also appeared, fearsomely chasing the Wolf for the shimmering white fur off its back. Void watched as the faceless purple crystalline beings chased down its prey, whereas Void could not. Soon the Wolf would die and its hunters left to revel in Void’s dome of influence.
Is the Wolf worth fighting for? Are you worth fighting with?
Merula’s song of inspiration upon the silver gauntlet led Void to take his first step forwards to aid the Wolf in its escape. Void did not know why he took the plunge but he knew that time had come to forget about the Magpie, to finally consul himself with the fact that not every battle ends in jubilation. Void would take his first step forward to victory, a feeling that both me and Merula could soon revel in.

Monday 9th December 2013
Infinity Arena. Moments before Roderick’s televised in-ring debut

A sunken heart and a demoralised attitude that made his stomach feel empty and withering did not stop Roderick from waking up this morning with a new expression wiped across his face: optimism. A new day had arrived and for five days Infinity City knew that Roderick’s return to Infinity Wrestling was moments away, following the conclusion of a match all about finding ‘friendship’ between Craig Anderson and new wrestler Spike Daniels.
Infinity Arena was a vast and complicated structure, a labyrinth of doors and much like the motto of the federation, a place of infinite possibilities to explore. As Roderick delved into the multitude of hiding places fully dressed in his ring attire, dark blue wrestling tights and a giant silver gauntlet covering his powerful left arm. So far to the trickery of Roderick he was able to elude the production and set-up crew about his arrival.
Somehow, Roderick was able to avoid Mr. Osman and his new found sense of purpose in the federation, a purpose which has led to a change in security and BZN contracts. After being guided through a maze of locker-rooms Roderick found his way to Matt Rydell’s own personal locker-room, a room he requested which was secluded and quiet, away from the spotlight and the over passionate fans that have come to plague his time in the company.
Roderick enters without knocking, unsettling a nervy and fearless Matt Rydell who approaches the Infinity Chairman with little caution. As “The New Dawn” gets too close for Roderick’s comfort he turns away from Rydell so Matt can’t stare him out.
“Matthew, stand down.” Roderick’s words only fuelled Rydell, who paces round the locker-room, void of any belongings except a kit bag. Rydell’s anger was direct and he has much reason to be infuriated by Roderick’s decision making abilities.
“A champion of the people!” Rydell screams, extending his red and veiny neck out to exaggerate the point whilst continuing to dish out a venomous look. “Matt Rydell, poster boy of Infinity City! Matt Rydell, the first ever Infinity Wrestling champion!”
Roderick turns slowly to meets his blue eyes with Matt’s ruminating brown pupils. Pinned against the door he arrived in by his own intent not to rattle the bird’s cage, Roderick plays it calm until Matt has more to say.
“The promise made to me when we first met has not changed. You promised to help elevate me as a star of the city. Let’s forget about the Hashtags, the merchandise, the media appearances, and let’s focus on one thing. You said that I would be champion for the right reasons – because unlike other talent here I had the potential to be true to myself whilst still loved.”
“A champion nonetheless.”
“Not the champion that I want to be.”
“My ruling hand has not let you down this path, you have,” Roderick explains. “Look around at the lack of a personal touch, the removal of any and all indications of your former superiority.”
“Former!” Matt bellows loudly to Roderick’s calm persona. “The companies and people you wish me to the poster boy of – the ruthless television moguls, shameless public billboard upselling, radio stations with the likes of Mike Rotunda - everything, this is not who I am.”
“And this is? Matt, there is no Blood Family conspiracy, is there?”
Matt’s expression changed from one of extreme fierceness, a defence wall that had just been figuratively breached, to a white flush, as if found out. Matt’s solitude in this moment was to be explained by one word.
“Purity,” Matt echoes, sending a slight chill up Roderick’s right and exposed arm. “When the Evermore crowd screamed for my name I was able to look upon myself and ask the question, am I doing this for the right reasons? I am still true to myself as the Greatest of All Time? If I were to look in this mirror, right here, at Immortalis, who would I see in my reflection? “The New Dawn” Matt Rydell, or the people, spearheaded by your movement to turn me into the champion the city needs rather than the champion I need to be.”
Roderick saw Matt as a lone wolf, a one of a kind with a thick white pelt, so highly revered that its adoration was actually leading the wolf to slaughter. The Wolf was unmoving because of its own confidence and pride, and it would not change for the people that chased it, fighting defiantly until its eventual and certain demise. Much like a fleeing Wolf, Matt too was shying away from the city’s populace, doing whatever he can to retain his beliefs, his sense of pride.
Yet this revelation revealed to Roderick one thing: A wolf can change its colours.
“It was easier to place blame and the heat that followed on Neal and his pack of blood brothers than to come out and openly admit I was in the wrong.”
“None of what we do is easy.”
“Let me finish,” Matt says with authority. “But I’m not in the wrong, these people have been fed the wrong impression of me and it’s your fault! Every day it gets harder to fight the growing tide of support because they cheer me for something I’m not. So tell me Roderick, what do you see when you stand in front of your own reflection? Do you see an honest leader who was distraught when he lost in his sadistic dome, or do you see a twisted form of myself, moulded by that silver gauntlet?”
Roderick stepped in front of the mirror that Matt pointed too, one of only decrements in the locker-room, and upon peering deeply into it Roderick did not see long flowing blonde hair or the silver gauntlet and wrestling attire.
He saw nothing, just Matt’s dejected and angered face.
“Grief does not change you Roderick, it reveals you.” Matt backs away from the Chairman, leaving him to stew on his lack of depth perception. “If there’s one lesson I’ve learnt from being here, it’s that.”
“I made a promise to my son that I would not harm you, and I don’t intend to betray his trust,” Blackmore says as he turns to Matt’s tensed body. Roderick saw a champion, but one that was coming undone after being strangled by Roderick’s personal touch.
“You know I could have done this by myself."
“Even a Wolf needs help from time to time, and though in honesty we have no business going against Taylor and Murray on this dreary Monday evening, sometimes we don’t choose our battles, sometimes when people pick fights it’s for no good reason, other than for the sheer sake of competition. Right now Matt, I need something to fight for, and someone to rally with in a time when two men are rallying against all. There is no good reason other than the good of thrill of the fight, and if anybody needs perspective, then it’s you and me. If two men so devoid of similarity and their own selfish purpose, for one night can amount to victory, then there is genuine hope for us both. If we can overcome two great fighters, who themselves are looking for redemption despite a lack of redeeming qualities, then we can start anew.”
“And if by chance we lose to the scourge of Muir and Westfall?”
“Then we aren’t worth fighting for.”

Tuesday 4th December 2013
Infinity City High School

A police escort with three Officers provided an uneventful journey for Alexis Flynn to the Infinity City High School, where her husband, Infinity World Champion Adrian Flynn, was attacked earlier on in the day in the safety of his own wrestling training centre. The day had darkened and a star filled night had quickly swept the skies providing a picturesque night for the city folk old and new.
The old high school provided a lonesome and eerie backdrop for a private moment between Alexis and Jaden Crawford and as Alexis had silently predicted her husband’s protégé was sat in the wrestling gym, still in his gear, on the ring canvas with his feet dangling just off the ground Alexis provides a warming smile to an otherwise gloomy situation.
“Jaden,” Alexis says in a thoughtful tone. Jaden rises to hug Alexis and doesn’t want to let go of the situation. After a prolonged and welcoming huge Jaden leans against the canvas and sitting at next to him is the Infinity World Championship. Jaeden cradles the belt with care and the teenager’s stare is one of real displeasure, as if he did Adrian wrong.
“He’s inspired all of us with this,” Jaden says moving the golden reef belt high up his chest, “you would think that we would be able to defend him, given all that he has taught us.”
“You’re not to blame, Jaden, none of you are.”
“We are, this happened just moments after class had finished, we always assume Adrian can take care of himself in here. You usually expect that your mentor can defend himself.”
“We don’t know what happened here, perhaps he couldn’t defend himself.”
“I saw him, the man that did this.”
“What did he look like Jaden?”
“He wore clothing with a lot of profanity, F this and F that, lots of rings on his fingers and obnoxious jeans and expensive trainers, the kind of man that you just know is no good. Then he turned to me just as he left and he had these bright purple eyes and this voided look across his face as if not real. He couldn’t care less that I saw him, the face of Murray Muir.”
Jaden’s despondency was stopped when Alexis grabbed his right hand and grasped it tightly, a show of support from the motherly figure. As she looked down and saw the belt she didn’t see a reflective golden belt but see saw a poisoned possession that was leading her husband down a futile path.
In the belt’s reflection Alexis saw the bright purple eyes of Murray, but then saw a police Officer’s uniform. As Alexis hid her frightful look away from Jaden, to protect her image in front of him she continued to stare at the vacated look of fear that emanated from The Copycat’s face. TCK, having followed Alexis here, stood beneath the stars with his own sense of optimism.
“I need you more than ever Roderick,” TCK whispers as he walks away from the High School, “I’ll do anything to have you back.”


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