Tuesday 28 January 2014

The opening from An Infinite Xmas (a state of address from Roderick Blackmore)

Below is an extract from the opening for Infinity: An Infinite Xmas and it details the current state of Infinity Wrestling, grounding our extended time away in a canonical way. We will be bolting down a deadline very soon so keep in the loop for Infinity related news.

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.”
Denis Waitley

Fade in. Lonesome and quiet, surrounded only by a velvet red curtained backdrop is none other than Roderick Blackmore, Infinity’s Chairman. Standing lean and tall his bright blue eyes piece the camera lens with an avid sense of honesty and purity. A dark grey suit, formal white collared shirt and royal blue tie cling tightly to Roderick’s skin. Slowly in the bottom left corner the Infinity eagled logo appears subtly signalling that this special broadcast was now under way. Of course, there is the potential that stood in isolation Roderick may have filmed this segment long after An Infinite Xmas was taped, but the timing of this event was to be left a mystery. Readied and filming Roderick would wait no longer to introduce himself, and his reason for being here.

Roderick Blackmore.
“I see it befitting that I welcome you all to Infinity Wrestling, having finally left its rookie year. The last time you saw any of us, the wrestlers, the staff, the federation as a whole, was during Infinity #6 on December 9th and upon reading this message the New Year will have passed. As Chairman I am left to open with the news that the Battle Zone Network has placed an embargo on Infinity after an event which saw Mr. Osman attacked on live television by Murray Muir. An attack on BZN’s President, amongst other allegations thrown upon Infinity has regrettably resulted in television practise standards authority, the Entertainment and Arts Certification Committee, the EACC, rescinding our right to practise the age old art of wrestling on a live national stage. At a time of mid-season breaks, and a season of celebration, we are not fazed or fearful of our future as a wrestling promotion. Measures are in place to lawfully retain our certification and we soon return to our rightful fortnightly slot on Monday evenings.

I plead this to Mr. Osman. Don’t punish us all for the mistakes of the few. Don’t strip us of the passion and love of this art form that is older than this city itself. Atop a city of problem I gaze upon a million people struggling to feed and clothe their families, I watch as severe mounting political pressure from the other intercity regions threaten to strip away our rights and poison the image of this eternal city. I ask this of you, Mr. Osman, as a fellow sportsman, do not ruin the purity of this federation and do not tarnish the vision of infinite possibilities. Should we not return to television, a small chunk of this city’s heart will be ripped from its core and you will live in regret, I can assure you of that. As a man search for his own identity, you and I, we can sympathise, this vision you obtain and my own, they can co-exist. We are all a part of the same initiative.

Cyril Parkinson, a famed wartime naval historian once wrote that “delay is the deadliest form of denial.” Though Cyril was referring to the hesitation of Allied forces and Nazi submarines lacking a decisiveness, a humanity, in the final year of the Second World War, perhaps here we can redefine what he once said. Are you delaying the inevitable, or, as many believe, have we lost our edge?

Tonight, an Infinite Xmas, our only booked show, marks a changing point for us all. Many believe the balance of our federation to be on the line, and come 2014 when we will be adjudged outside of our first year for bringing to life new heroes and villains, perhaps should you derail us any further, than in your own visions you believe you will stop us all together. Our wrestlers can be reassembled, brought back together for a common purpose, and you will provide the inspiration upon their return.

To my city, my people, this is not the end.
There is no end to infinity.
We are the eternal light that wraps its warmth around caring people.
We persist in a darkened reality, but soon the veil of the void will be lifted and normality restored at long last.
My name is Roderick Blackmore, and I sincerely hope you enjoy tonight’s special broadcast.



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