Sunday 28 July 2013

Jason Smith Joins Infinity Wrestling

Infinity Wrestling is proud to announce the signing of its nineteenth wrestler to the roster, Jason Smith! As a seasoned federation owner on the Bebo Wrestling Network, Smith was responsible for the uprising of New Age Wrestling (NAW), and was responsible for running the highly successful World Turmoil Federation (WTF), for a time. Smith is the first member of the roster hailing from New Zealand, and we welcome the Kiwi to Infinity Wrestling and look forward to what he brings to the federation and city.

Smith's full profile has been added to the Infinity roster and you can welcome him by following him on twitter @JasonSmithIWF 

In other news there is a new Infinity innovation possible. This week wrestlers are allowed to create one name for a ring announcer, with the winner receiving an IWF Purity Championship match on the second edition of Infinity. The link below will take you to the forum where you will be able to submit your choice. The forum post will run until Friday 2nd August 2013, so get onto the website and be in contention for a championship opportunity.

The Infinity Polling Station has released a new poll asking for your thoughts about the predictions for the IWF World Heavyweight Championship tournament. You can cast your vote at the link below.

With Monday 5th of August fast approaching, we will leave you with a reminder of how you can promo. You can either send it to us in a word document, which we will upload via the website, or you can create a new topic on the Promo Scripts forum page. If you are wondering about the Infinity deadline, there is a countdown clock available. However, we are extremely lenient so if your promo is late at all, just let us know so know when we can expect it.

If you would like to write any segments for the show to promote your character, or want to propose any ideas to management, then do so. This is an experience for you and your characters, so we’ll try and accommodate anything and everything.

We look forward to what you have to write for the first Infinity, we’re making sure that the show is going to be pretty damn amazing.

Chairman of the Board
Roderick Blackmore

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