Friday 12 July 2013

Infinity: Days 2 & 3

Infinity Wrestling’s recruit period is in full swing. We are happy to announce the signings of seven more wrestlers, adding to the six who signed up on the first day. IWF management are overwhelmed by the support given to the fed. With the new additions the federation is arguably shaping up as a superstar line up from the ‘Bebo Wrestling Network’ on

One former Bebo Wrestling starlet, Eddie Zombie, who competed in Ultimate Bebo Wrestling (UBW), amongst others, about Infinity Wrestling said: "In my opinion it looks like a COMPLETE game changer in the history of OW."

The reception has been fantastic, as has the immediate success of all three of our social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter, and this Blogspot. Views for our Blogspot posts have been incredible and will continue to rise as IWF becomes more established. Infinity is proving to be a very unique, socially interactive federation. The reveal post on a closed Facebook group has already amassed five hundred and thirty comments, though much of it is now covered in hilarity and meme’s that haven’t gone down well with Joey Harding.

We are pleased to announce the signings of “The Bonafide Brawler” A.C. Mack, “The Fusion” Joey Tierney, “The Side Effect” Taylor Westfall, and the rumoured Jordan Casanova, coming to us from Fair City, a neighbouring city to Infinity. In the early hours of Friday morning Infinity received two more sign up. Typhon “Kid Wicked” Kaos, a punk rock star officially makes the roster and Chris Michaels signed an Infinity contract and we are pleased to announce the return of the “Master of Execution.” All have officially signed on the dotted line, bringing our numbers into double figures.

Special mention also goes out to James Jameson, the alter ego of Joey Harding. Jameson sent in an official signup and has been added to the roster, bringing the total number of competitors up to thirteen.

We welcome each superstar to the Infinity family as we did the first six on day one, with our roster numbers hitting double digits we still expect more signings in the coming days. I think it’s our best nature to once again remind you all that current roster members have an opportunity to be in line for an IWF Purity Championship match by heading to our forum page and deciding on the names of our commentators. The two winners, which will be voted on via our polling system, will be revealed when the first Infinity Monday’s card is announced. We will be revealing more information about the poll in the coming days, until then cast your vote on who you want to be commentator.

On a final note, we have received three questionable signups, all which will be dealt with in the coming days. The signatures of ‘Adam Brego’ and ‘Mike Litoris’ will be investigated as to the validity and seriousness of their signups, and Infinity will be speaking to independent woman Shanaynay LaTundra in the coming days. and its roster page has been fully updated. Also under the page ‘City Artwork’ we have added a new photo gallery with a lighter touch, ‘City Memes’.

Chairman of the Board
Roderick Blackmore.

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