Tuesday 8 October 2013

Immortalis: Arrival - Special Press Conference - Sunday 13th October 2013

The official Immortalis: Arrival promotional poster
Arrival will air live on the Battle Zone Network (BZN) on Sunday 13th October 2013

Immortalis: Arrival
Press Conference Questions
Provided to the Infinity Wrestling roster

The need to know
·         The press conference will take place on Sunday the 13th October, a day before Immortalis
·         The press conference is held in a function room in the Evermore Stadium
·         In your questions you may add description, things such as what your wrestler is wearing, doing, thinking, all that kind of stuff
·         You can include a skit/segment as well, any and all randomness is welcome
·         Logan Williams, Infinity’s backstage interviewer is leading the conference and you can involve him in any way. He will be the one taking questions from the crowd
·         In the function room the City’s media will be there, aka the Dirtsheet, the radio station that JC created, among other things. You may create a news station if you like to take your questions
·         You may ignore/dodge a particular question if you don’t want to answer it, and you can figuratively twist questions to what you like. For example if one of the questions is ‘how have you prepared for your match’, your wrestler can reply with ‘you know, what’s important here (insert the message you’d like to get across)’
·         When your wrestler is on the stage it will start with an open forum where your wrestler can say anything. We have added questions below for the follow up, which will be questions from Logan and the press.
·         Roderick Blackmore will not be in attendance for the conference, however TCK will be. The Infinity COO will open the conference with a few words of his own.
·         By order of Roderick Blackmore, A.C. Mack has been blacklisted from all media attention and is not allowed in the City until the day of Immortalis. You are not allowed to make mention of Mack and for those who violate this order will be heavily fined $100,000 Eagles. Furthermore, A.C. Mack will not be receiving questions from Infinity Wrestling unless he presents the Infinity World Championship in the manner it was taken: concealed in a velvet black bag.
·         If you are a contender for the Singularis Championship (Smith/Tierney/Jamo/Michaels) the title belt will be on display during your portion of the press conference. Neal Powers, if attending, will be allowed to carry the Purity Championship and do as he pleases with his championship belt. The Harmony and World titles have not yet been revealed so they will not be on show.
·         Wrestler’s managers will be allowed on the stage alongside the wrestlers.
·         The commentary team will be providing bits and pieces of commentary throughout the conference to nicely tie things together and to wind things up
·         Taylor Westfall and Adrian Flynn’s conferences will take place last.
·         Jordan Casanova’s press conference will be streamed live from Fair City. We will provide questions but in truth, J-Cas is free to accept questions from his faithful city men.
·         Over Rated can jointly answer their questions or send them in individually and we will mash them together.
·         Due to this being a televised appearance James Jameson will be on hand to do Joey Harding’s press conference. Harding will make his live debut at Immortalis.
·         The deadline for submissions is midday (Londom GMT time) on Sunday 13th October 2013
·         Email your questions, answers, write up to wrestlinginfinity@gmail.com or get a hold of management. You know the drills.


Murray Muir
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1.      Two Infinity’s in a row you’ve been awarded the coveted award of ‘wrestler of the week’, does this put you in good stead for Immortalis where you will face the Copycat Kid?
2.      Mr. Osman has been critical of your inclusion on Infinity Mondays, even going as far as putting out an order that if you are to use cheating tactics in your match against the COO.. What do you have to say about
3.      Do you have any idea if the city’s mob have an intention to create a soccer team for the upcoming IFL league?
4.      You’re the nephew of the illustrious and legendary Damien Muir. A former UBW Undisputed Champion. Has Damien given you any words of advice for the match against a man your uncle was once employed too?
5.      Does it matter that you and the world know very little about who the true TCK is? Are you in any way concerned by his copying ways?
6.      You spoke highly of Taylor Westfall on Twitter for finally stepping up against Adrian Flynn. Will you be rooting for the Side Effect to win the World Championship?
7.      (From the Dirtsheet) Immortalis is labelled as “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Matt Rydell
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Infinity City loves #F*ckRydell. Your popularity is second to none and on every Infinity Mondays broadcast you are cheered out of the building. With a record of two wins and two losses, does the crowd effect you in any way?
2)      Matt, you only held the Purity Championship for fourteen days before Neal Powers won it against you. Would you say his victory was tainted when he deceived the officials and used a blood capsule to his advantage?
3)      (Interruption from “Bad Boy” Brandon Kheller): Yeah, I’ve got a question for the bitch on the stage. How does it feel knowing that you stole victory away from Jordan Casanova? You should have never been champion in the first place, you shouldn’t be getting this rematch!
4)      (Bad Boy again): How did it feel to be rejected by Casanova on the last Infinity? Cost a victory against Wesftall?
5)      Craig Anderson is being viewed as the wildcard in this match. He didn’t allow Powers any offense, what do you have to say about the newly dubbed Exception?
6)      Can you provide us with any updates for Infinity City FC? At Immortalis the webpage for the IFL will be revealed, can you comment on the future of ICFC at this time?
7)      Following defeat against Taylor Westfall, how do you think he will fair against Adrian Flynn in the main event?
8)      You were a multiple time world champion on the Bebo Wrestling Network, a former WTF world champion and reigned supreme as the last ever SCW World Heavyweight Champion. What are the differences between competing on the now defunct Bebo scene and applying your trade in Infinity City?
9)      (From the Dirtsheet) Immortalis is labelled as “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Craig Anderson
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Craig, many consider your turnaround in Infinity Wrestling. Following two defeats on the first and second Infinity Mondays broadcast, you took the time to address the city about how you’d let yourself down and were ready to embrace the fans, citing it as the right thing. As a young man you pushed Neal Powers to the very limits on Infinity #4. Can we expect the Exception to take the next step and become Purity Champion?
2)      How much does your wife, Jessica, do for you when you step into the Infinity ring? She had an amazing influence on you in your match against Neal Powers, can we expect her by your side tomorrow?
3)      You’re only twenty two years old, and yet you show so much promise, do you think you have the necessary mettle to hold a regularly defend belt, like the Purity Championship?
4)      After being attacked by Panik are you pleased that he won’t be able to get involved in your match at the Showcase of Immortal Champions?
5)      With the added factor of Matt Rydell, a fan favourite amongst the City, what does he add into the mix in your title match and is there anything you’d like to say to Rydell at this time?
6)      With Taylor Westfall beating you in the quarter finals of the World Championship tournament, knowing Taylor in the ring do you believe he will beat Adrian Flynn for the belt in the main event?
7)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Purity Champion: Neal Powers
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Neal, if you are victorious over Rydell and Anderson at Immortalis, Infinity #5 essentially becomes a number one contender’s match for you. Purity Championships rules state that if anyone wins five consecutive matches with the belt, the first the title victory and four defences, they have the option of cashing the belt in for the World Championship. With that thought, given the opportunity what would you do? Will you cash in the belt for a shot at the World Championship?
2)      First is was the use of a blood capsule, then it was an even more discrete pheromone, and lastly against Craig Anderson it was Panik that saved your reign. You openly allowed Panik to smash you over the head with the hammer, does this go to show the deep levels of trust you have with Panik as well as incorporating a “do anything to win” style mentality?
3)      Craig Anderson didn’t allow you to use a single offensive move against you in your match at Infinity #4, now for the first time you face two men in a triple threat match, does this tip the scales in the challenger’s favour? Will Craig continue where he left off or do you plan on rectifying your performance from Infinity #4
4)      With Mr. Osman targeting you in his statement on Infinity #4, the BZN President wants to clean up Infinity’s act and has labelled you as one of the specific problems, what do you have to say to the network President about the issue?
5)      To close Infinity #4 and to avoid Matt Rydell’s act of revenge against you, the words Sin and Havok were muttered from your lips before the lights went out and you vanished. Is there something you’re not telling us about the Blood Family?
6)      You have thrived in Infinity Wrestling thus far, and with a fourth successive victory under your belt what is responsible for your success? Do you see greater things ahead for Neal Powers and the Blood Family?
7)      Who do you think will be successful in the main event between Adrian Flynn and Taylor Westfall for the Infinity World Championship?
8)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Undefeated, seemingly untouchable in Infinity Wrestling, you go into Immortalis on the back of four successive victories. Will Jamo be victorious and win the Singularis Championship? Will the pain continue?
2)      As a role model of the City, are you disappointed with Starkiss after he violated his Infinity Wrestling contract?
3)      Matt Rydell recently spoke out with the Dirtsheet and said that he’d like to face you in the future. It’d be an occasion that would galvanise the city’s attention. Would you ever want to step into the ring with the New Dawn?
4)      Who do you consider to be your main threat in your TLC match at Immortalis? Everybody is labelling Chris Michaels as a standout favourite.
5)      Jamo is an illustrious figure, a proven ratings draw but we don’t know a lot about the life of Jamo outside the ring. Tell us one thing that would enlighten us about the Grimm Reaper.
6)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Chris Michaels
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Chris, my first question to you is this. So far you have been reluctant to talk about the Singularis Championship, reluctant to promote your match, reluctant to put over the other stars in the match. Why is there this hesitancy from you surrounding the silver Singularis belt?
2)      You have gone toe to toe with Adrian Flynn, Craig Anderson, Matt Young, Over Rated, John Charismatic by himself, and Murray Muir. You’ve already faced a heafty chunk of the roster. Out of the names listed, who do you believe was your toughest challenge to date?
3)      You are a former UBW Champion, and proud owner of RFC on the Bebo Wrestling Network. What are the main differences between being champion in Bebo’s most illustrious federation and your new life in Infinity City?
4)      You are miles ahead on the Infinity polling station poll that questions the favourite for your match. Does this change your preparation leading into Immortalis? Do you believe that the other three will step up their game?
5)      As a veteran of the game, what would you say to aspiring wrestlers wanting to apply their trade in Infinity Wrestling?
6)      Do you harbour any resentment of frustrations against management or its employees? For example, an interview between you and Sammy Kinghan didn’t go down so well, did it?
7)      If you win or if you lose tomorrow, what is next for Chris Michaels in Infinity Wrestling?
8)      Would you like to comment on the situation featuring your old mentor, A.C. Mack, and his current role in Infinity Wrestling?
9)      You lost on your Infinity debut against Adrian Flynn in the quarter final round of the Infinity World Championship tournament, do you think that this is Flynn’s time and he will rise as the Infinity World Champion against Taylor Westfall?
10)  (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Joey Tierney
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Joey, you are technically undefeated in Infinity Wrestling after TCK overturned the decision of the match, awarding you a victory via technicality after Starkiss violated the terms in his Infinity contract. Are you disappointed by the kiss-blowers actions?
2)      Chris Michaels has been pegged as the standout favourite to win the Singularis Championship, how do you plan on silencing your own critics in the City?
3)      You debuted at Infinity #2 with Jason Smith in a Tables Match that resulted in a draw, can you outfox Smith at Immortalis, knowing that your last encounters resulted in a draw?
4)      You took the fight to a revved up Jamo on Infinity #4 after you couldn’t get your hands on Jason Smith, does that signal your intent of victory for the pay-per-view?
5)      You were never a part of the World Championship tournament, who in your opinion will win the finals and be crowned Infinity World Champion, Adrian Flynn or Taylor Westfall?
6)      If successful at Immortalis, and you walk away with the silver of Singularis, what is next for Joey Tierney?
7)      But what if you fail, what then for the living rock god?
8)      What gives you an advantage in a TLC match over the likes of Jamo, Chris Michaels and Jason Smith, three men well versed in hardcore matches and ideals?
9)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Jason Smith
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Jason, this is the first time anyone has seen you since your attack on Infinity #4 by the mystery attackers. What do you remember from the event, if anything?
2)      You are fighting for the Singularis Championship in a match that everybody has bookmarked Chris Michaels or Jamo to win. How would you respond to these accusations?
3)      “The City is Done”, those are the words most familiar with Jason Smith in Infinity City. What does this mean exactly as there are thousands of city folk and fans still left wondering your true purpose?
4)      Is your story with Joey Tierney far from over?
5)      Does your careless persona put you in good stead for winning a TLC match? Will you show any of your opponent’s mercy?
6)      Who do you think will emerge victorious from the World Championship match between Adrian Flynn and Taylor Westfall?
7)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Matt Young
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Matt, can you explain what was going through your head during the closing moments of your match with Neal Powers for the Purity Championship? Did The Influence legitimately drug you on the broadcast?
2)      You are not competing tomorrow, are you at all concerned for your position in the company that you are not competing at the first pay-per-view?
3)      Can we expect to see Matt Young at all during the Immortalis broadcast?
4)      You are still searching for your first victory in Infinity, when can we next expect The One and Only back in an Infinity ring?
5)      As an impartial eye, who do you think will walk away as winners in their matches at the Showcase of Immortal Champions?
6)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Jack Anderson w/ TK
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Jack, you’re not competing at Immortalis but on Infinity you have been plagued by the mystery attackers who continually make your Infinity adventure torturous. You have acquired the services of TK and Maxwell Panther to ensure you are not attacked again. My question to you is this; why has this paranoia spurned?
2)      Can you tell us a little about your relationship with TCK, given that you two are actually friends in and around the City?
3)      From an impartial standpoint, who do you think will win in their respective matches tomorrow at Immortalis?
4)      TK has come to your aid alongside the gentleman’s club and we understand that he would like to refrain from saying anything at this time. What exactly does TK do to ensure your safety in Infinity Wrestling?
5)      You and Murray Muir were victorious at Infinity #3 over newcomers Jett Underwood and Rick Bowman, and neither man has been seen since, do you believe this victory was tainted by the attackers?
6)      When can we next expect to see Jack lace up his boots in an Infinity ring?
7)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Over Rated (John Charismatic & Blair Holmes)
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      John, Blair, you’re Infinity’s only registered tandem and from the get go you focused primarily on the Harmony Division. From the get go you’ve found a common enemy in TCK, who doesn’t believe that deep down the two of you are a harmonised unit. What do you have to say about the COO so close to Immortalis?
2)      If you walk out of Immortalis with the championships do you believe that your problems with TCK will only intensify?
3)      This one is for both of you to answer individually… You both lost at Infinity #4, John to Murray Muir in a triple threat that included Chris Michaels, and Blair you lose to Casanova. How critical are those losses heading into the Showcase of Immortal Champions?
4)      John, how long does the Charismatic Coliseum have?
5)      John, will Alf, the Prince of Darkness and Chris Reid be appearing at Immortalis? You have made mention of being role models for them in their aspiring professional wrestling careers, is this your time to do just that.
6)      Blair, Electric is an official partner to Infinity Wrestling, are you running any special events or offers during this wrestling weekend? Also, how do you feel about the relative success of your business adventures in the city compared to JC’s failures with the Coliseum?
7)      What are your expectations regarding what the Harmony Championships look like? What will Over Rated be expecting? Also on this matter, does not seeing a championship before a match affect your performances going into a match?
8)      You have both gotten used to the sights of James Jameson since Infinity’s inception, how does the introduction of Joey Harding affect your game plan heading into Immortalis?
9)      This is aimed at both of you, what do you believe to be the meaning of Harmony?
10)  Blair, do you blame John for your losses in tag team action? John has repeatedly taged himself in, seemingly against your will, and against Chris Michaels and James Jameson you paid the price.
11)  TCK has also got himself involved in the Adrian Flynn saga against Taylor Westfall. Who do both of you think will walk out as World Champion?
12)  (From the Dirtsheet): We recently ran an article about Over Rated, so I guess there is no better time than to ask… Are you even rated?
13)  (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember both of you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

James Jameson
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      James, from your point of view is it important that Jordan Casanova picked up his first single’s victory at Infinity #4?
2)      Were you at all worried that Casanova would pick the Purity Championship and leave your Harmony chances out to dry?
3)      We all want to know, what makes James Jameson different from Joey Harding? Why isn’t James Jameson lacing up his boots at Immortalis?
4)      The Dirtsheet has run an article questioning whether or not Over Rated are even rated, where do you stand on this spectrum of debate? Has the deck been stacked against Over Rated because of their rivalry with both you, Casanova and TCK?
5)      You’re a heralded television star, young fans girl and viewers from the Orient are madly in love with James Jameson. Does this affiliation with Jordan Casanova threaten to ruin your popularity oversees and in the city?
6)      As a part of The Agency, how detrimental is their involvement in your performances? We have seen Blair Mitchell introduce you in your three matches, but beneath the surface is there a greater involvement from your representatives?
7)      If you and Casanova are victorious against Over Rated, what are your plans for the belts?
8)      There’s been a lot of hype surrounding Adrian Flynn and Taylor Westfall’s huge main event match, who do you think will reign supreme as Infinity World Champion at the Showcase of Immortal Champions?
9)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember both of you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Jordan Casanova
*Live via satellite from Fair City*
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      You’re live in Fair City, why aren’t you here at the Evermore Stadium?
2)      Jordan, Brian, you finally made the decision to face Over Rated at Immortalis for the Harmony Championships, why do you believe this is the right call? The world were convinced that you had chosen Rydell when your hand appeared from beneath the ring to cost him victory, and we were all shocked to see James Jameson emerge also.
3)      Do you believe you should have been Purity Champion on the first Infinity when you made Matt Rydell tap out, only for the referee not to see it? Also, where do you stand on “Bad Boy” Brandon Kheller’s constant referencing of it on Infinity, are either or both of you bitter over the loss?
4)      Over Rated have recently been analysed by the Dirtsheet, who question whether or not they are actually rated, where do you stand on this issue. How much of a threat do Over Rated pose?
5)      Joey Harding will making his in-ring debut at Immortalis as your partner, does this put your mind at ease or are you concerned at all?
6)      You picked up your first singles victory at Infinity #4 when you beat Blair Holmes, does this put you in the driver’s seat come Immortalis?
7)      Brian Von-Malice has been pivotal in every single match you’ve competed in. With Mr. Osman putting the entire Infinity roster on notice, if anyone is seen trying to cheat they’ll be fired immediately. Does this quell Brian’s involvement in your match?
8)      What would winning the Harmony Championships mean to Fair City? A city you claim is impoverished and in a derelict state because of Infinity City?
9)      You were never part of the World Championship tournament because of your involvement with Infinity’s first ever title match for the Purity Championship. At the close of Immortalis who do you want to reign as World Champion, Adrian Flynn or Taylor Westfall?
10)  (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember both of you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Taylor Westfall
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      Taylor, at Infinity #4 you allowed Murray Muir to get into your head when he suggested that management want Adrian Flynn as their World Champion? What is running through your head so close to the big night, is management conspiring against you to line their own pockets? Will you allow Flynn to become their champion?
2)      You and Muir stormed the ring to cause a No Contest between TCK and Adrian Flynn, does this put you in pole position for your match or do you believe that the message you sent got across to the city’s chosen favourite, Flynn?
3)      Many believe Adrian had the harder route to the final of the World Championship tournament, having to face Murray Muir and Chris Michaels, whereas people believe you got off lightly after routine victories over Craig Anderson and Lucian Shannon. Does this take anything away from your abilities?
4)      Taylor you choose to shy away from the public eye on occasion and have openly talked about some of your disagreements with management, does this lifestyle favour you if you were to walk away as Champion?
5)      This is a rather simple question, but what does the title mean to you? But also, what would losing do to you? Can Taylor Westfall survive in Infinity Wrestling without defeat?
6)      Who would you like to face if you were to be victorious as World Champion?
7)      What do you make of Adrian’s divorce story? His wife Alexis doesn’t believe Adrian should be wrestling with a bad knee from his days as an Olympic try-out. Will this matter place any effect on your match?
8)      Do you have any concerns over the Infinity World Championship belt with it being in the possession of A.C. Mack?
9)      (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*

Adrian Flynn
*begin with an open forum: say what you want*
1)      There has been a lot of hype surrounding Adrian Flynn in Infinity City. There is a growing belief that it is finally your time as a world champion. Taylor Westfall is a veteran of the business, a legend, do you think that this is the perfect time for the rise of Infinity’s first superhero?
2)      You have a tattoo of the iconic Superman on your right arm, tell us a little bit more about its origins and what inspired you to translate that into your own persona.
3)      It come out a short while back that you and your childhood sweetheart, Alexis, are getting divorced. It was later revealed by TCK that he impersonated you to find your weaknesses and actually went to Alexis. Does she factor into the match at Immortalis? Would you not fight for the title knowing that you could win her back for good?
4)      I may be speculating, or given recent on goings both on Infinity Mondays broadcasts and what management say about you around the City, do you believe they want you as champion? Murray Muir believes so, and do many fans? If you win the title, do you essentially become a corporate champion?
5)      Describe the events of Infinity #4 the moment when Taylor Westfall and Murray Muir stormed the ring, and also linked in, without their involvement do you believe that you could have defeated TCK?
6)      Many believe you had the harder route to the final of the World Championship tournament, having to face Murray Muir and Chris Michaels, whereas people believe Taylor has gotten off lightly after routine victories over Craig Anderson and Lucian Shannon. Does this take anything away from Taylor?
7)      (From the same person as question seven): And out of your three opponents so far, Muir, Michaels, and TCK, who would you say has posed the toughest test?
8)      Do you think that your story against your supposed Kryponite, TCK, has finished? Do you expect another match in the near future against TCK?
9)      We asked this question to Taylor, who would you like to face if you were successful in becoming World Champion?
10)  Do you have any concerns over the Infinity World Championship belt with it being in the possession of A.C. Mack?
11)  (From the Dirtsheet): Immortalis is labelled as the “The Showcase of Immortal Champions”, and not every match is for a championship. In a years’ time, or in the future when we look back at the legacy of this inaugural event what do you want people to remember you for following Immortalis.
*Closing statement: Whatever you want*


Where to send your answers?
(Or upload it to the private Infinity Wrestling group)

If you have any questions to not hesitate contacting us on any of our social media platforms or email.

Immortalis: Arrival takes place on Sunday 13th October 2013
Infinity: Immortalis takes places on Monday 14th October 2013

Infinity Wrestling

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